In the night sky on the left is Makali’i / The Pleiades

Note to self- The opaque glass shows the colour of the wood behind so that bit which I intended to be white, I now view as being gold

Mosaic # 1
Aloha : Love, compassion, hello, goodbye.
ALO~ the presence of spirit + HA ~ the breath of life.
Aloha is greeting & acknowledging the spirit & the life of who/what you are addressing. I recognize you as life spirit.
The joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo)
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Aloha Kakou,
here are 3 reputable organisations to send donations directly to.
They cover a range of areas of expertise & focus, so follow your heart with which calls to you.
They are all local ‘boots on the ground’.
Maui Rapid Response
Local people doing what’s needed to assist everyone impacted
Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation (HARF)
https://hawaiianimalrescue.org A no kill shelter providing much needed assistance for all displaced & injured animals https://www.facebook.com/HARF.Dogs (for donations outside US & Canada)
Pacific Birth Collective
https://pacificbirthcollective.org providing assistance to pregnant women, babies & young children
Pacific Birth Collective supports choice for birthing families and respect for tradition and culture of Hawai’i which includes advocating for the acknowledgment and perpetuation of rich and diverse birthing practices that have been widely practiced across these islands for thousands of years.
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E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau
Fearless ~ Grow ~ Adapt |
Oct 6: Aloha Kākou, todayʻs Hawaiian word is: Makaʻu ole which means: fearless and is pronounced: Mahkah oo ohlay. Fearless is the opposite of fearful and a much better place to be. Be makaʻu ole in your beliefs for they are your anchors. Your anchors are how you choose to live your life. Freedom of choice is our blessings so choose makaʻu ole in living your life the way you choose in accordance with your beliefs. E makaʻu ole kākou – Letʻs be fearless. Aloha, a hui hou…….
Oct 4: Aloha Kākou, todayʻs Hawaiian word is: Ulu. This word has many meanings with the 3 most commonly known ones Oct19: Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Mana’o’i’o which believe and is pronounced: Mahnah oh e oh. Mana’o’i’o o ‘oe? Do you believe? ‘Ae, mana’o’i’o au. Yes I believe. Aloha, a hui hou…… |
Sep27: Aloha Kākou, todayʻs Hawaiian word is: Maʻa aku which means Adapt and is pronounced: Mah ah ahcoo. When changes come into your life, you have choices. You can accept the changes and maʻa aku to a different way of doing things ![]() 17 Aug: Aloha Kākou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Hana hou which means: Do over, renew and is pronounced: Hahnah hoh. Did you know that every morning we are given the chance to hana hou our selves? If yesterday left you unhappy, today you get to do a do over – a hana hou and go for a better day. If at the end of today, you are still unhappy, tomorrow you get to hana hou your efforts to have a happy day. It’s said that practice makes perfect but a better way to say it is persistence makes perfect. It’s a fact that you do something long enough you will get the results you’re going for. It is a universal law. Aloha, a hui hou….. 21Jul: Aloha Kākou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Pahu hope which means: Goal and is pronounced: Pahwho hopay. Being a realtor, I hear a lot about goals. If you don’t have goals or at least 1 goal, you’ll never get where you want to go. For me, I first have to decide where I want to go, then I can set goals to get there. We are all blessed with the ability to decide what our life will be like but we often get stuck in life’s experiences that we forget or don’t have time to make those decisions and then never set goals. It takes effort to decide where we want to go and to set goals to get there. Those who put forth the effort get there. It may take a while but by sticking with it, it happens. Those who don’t make the effort are often the one’s wondering why they aren’t getting anywhere in life. I choose to be among those who make the effort. How about you? It does pay off. You just have to make the decision about where you want to go, set your goals and stick with it. The universe will work with you to achieve your goals because you have a clear picture that they can see and align with. I’m just saying. Aloha, a hui hou……. Sep3: Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Ku’oko’a – Free as in the state or condition of being. Pronounced Ku’oko’a – coo ohkoh ah. He ku’oko’a au. I’m free. Are you? Aloha, a hui hou…. Oct19 2019: Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Mana’o’i’o which believe and is pronounced: Mahnah oh e oh. Mana’o’i’o o ‘oe? Do you believe? ‘Ae, mana’o’i’o au. Yes I believe. Aloha, a hui hou…… Oct 18 2019: Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: No’ono’o ulu wale which means: Imagination and is pronounced: No ohno oh ooloo vahlay. How’s your no’ono’o ulu wale? Pehea no’ono’o ulu wale ‘oe? Aloha, a hui hou…… Jul31 : Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: MALU which means Peace and is pronounced Malu-mahloo. E malu ia ‘oukou. Peace to all of you. Aloha, a hui hou….. Download pdf: Neaulani’s No’eau #17 – Maka’u ole
©️ Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck www.kumuhulamana.com Shared by Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali with Neaulani’s aloha blessing.
E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau Ho’aloha ~ Puliki ~ Hug a Friend Sep7 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is a handy phrase: Apr 10 2019 Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word is Hoaloha meaning Friend. Pronounced Ho-ho, a-ah, lo-lo, ha-hah. He hoaloha au ia ‘oe – I am your friend or as the Hawaiian mindset says it: friend I am to you. Aloha, a hui hou……. Apr 9 2019 Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word for the day is Puliki which means Hug. Pronounced Pu-poo, li-ley, ki-key. Puliki au ia ‘oe – I hug you or as the Hawaiians say: Hug I you. To make the word plural, put mau in front of puliki as in: Mau puliki au ia ‘oe – Hugs to you. Aloha, a hui hou…….. Jun16 2019 |
02 Jul 2019
Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word is Maluhiluhi meaning Tired, weary, fatigued and pronounced Ma-mah, luhiluhi-looheloohe. Maluhiluhi au i keia la. I am tired today. Maluhiluhi ‘oe? Are you tired? Aloha, a hui hou….. Jun17 2019 Aloha Kakou, the Hawaiian word for today is: Maika’i au meaning I’m fine and pronounced Maika’i – Mykah e. So, from yesterday – Pehea ‘oe (How are you?) to answer – Maika’i (I’m fine). Aloha, a hui hou…. Apr7 2019 Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word is Punahele meaning Favorite and is pronounced Pu-poo, na-nah, he-hey, le-ley. Ko’u hoa punahele o ‘oe – You are my favorite friend or the literal translation based on the Hawaiian mindset – My friend favorite you. Aloha, a hui hou…….. Apr 24 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is Ho’omana’o meanining Remember and pronounced Ho-ho, o-oh, ma-mah, na-nah, o-oh. Ho’omana’o au ia ‘oe. I remember you or, in the Hawaiian mindset – Remember I to you. Aloha, a hui hou….. 03Aug 2020 Aloha Kākou, Today’s Hawaiian phrase is: Ola Aloha which means Live Love. It’s such an easy message that it’s easy to overlook but when we live Aloha (Love) we live in joy and appreciation for everyone and all that we have. We are the guardians of our lives and we choose the way we want to live. Let’s choose Aloha all day every day. There is no such thing as too much love, there is such a thing as not enough love. Aloha, a hui hou… Download pdf :Neaulani’s No’eau #16 – Hoaloha
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E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau
Mea Thing ~ Object ~ Stuff |
May 05 2019
Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Mea meaning Thing and pronounced Me-may, a-ah. A’ole mea nui – No big thing. Aloha, a hui hou…
May 30 2019 Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word is: Puke meaning Book and pronounced Puke-pookay. Makemake ‘oe na puke? Do you like books? or in the Hawaiian mindset, Like you books? Aloha, a hui hou…..
May 07 2019 Aloha kakou, the Hawaiian word for today is: Ulana meaning Pillow and pronounced U-ooh, la-lah, na-nah. He ‘aha kela? What is that? He ulana kela. It is a pillow. Aloha, a hui hou….
May 04 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Ki’i ‘oni’oni meaning movie or moving picture. Pronounced Ki-key, i-e, ‘oni-ohknee, ‘oni–ohknee. Makemake’oe i ke ki’i ‘oni’oni i keia ahiahi me ia’u? Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight? Aloha, a hui hou….
May 03 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Kama’a meaning shoe, sandal, slipper and pronounced Ka-kah, ma-mah, a-ah. Nani kou mau kama’a. Your shoes are pretty or as the Hawaiians say: Pretty your shoes. Aia ihea ko’u mau kama’a? Where are my slippers? Aloha, a hui hou….
Apr 26 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Kukui pa’a lima which means Flashlight. Ku-coo, kui-cooee, pa-pah, a-ah, li-lee, ma-mah. Aia ihea ka’u kukui pa’a lima? Where is my flashlight? Aia ihea means where and ka’u means my. Aloha, a hui hou…
Sep15 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian words are He kalaka hou which means It is a new truck and is pronounced: He – hay, kalaka – kahlahkah, hou – ho (as in wagons ho). Sis got a new kalaka -truck and my friends and I were lucky enough to be there on the Big Island at the right time to help her break it in. We went all over the island and had a funtastic time. Mahalo nui loa Sis for sharing your awesome kalaka with us.
Oct13 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Lolouila. It means computer and is pronounced: Lolouila – lowlowoohwelah. He lolouila maika’i keia. This is a computer. Aloha, a hui hou…..
Oct 24 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: ki’aha which means glass (the kind you drink from) and is pronounced: key ahha. E ‘olu’olu ‘oe may I have a ki’aha of wai? Please, may I have a glass of water? Mahalo. Aloha, a hui hou…..
Download PDF : Neaulani’s No’eau #15 – Mea
©️ Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck www.kumuhulamana.com Shared by Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali with Neaulani’s aloha blessing.
E lei no au i ko aloha
I will wear your love as a wreath
I will cherish your love as a beautiful adornment
A lei is a common symbol of love, friendship, celebration, honour or greeting. In other words, it is a symbol of Aloha.
Lei can be worn, received, or given for almost any occasion. In Hawaii, a lei is given for greeting, farewell, a symbol of affection, an office promotion, a birthday, an anniversary, a graduation or any special event. There’s never a wrong occasion to wear a lei. You never need to wait for a special occasion.
A lei can be worn for no other reason than to enjoy or simply, to celebrate the “Aloha Spirit.”
It has become the quintessential symbol of an Hawaiian greeting. However,there are many deeper cultural and spiritual aspects and elements in the protocol of this cherished Hawaiian custom, that are often overlooked or not understood in modern times or by visitors to the Islands.
In ancient Hawai‘i, respect and honor was bestowed upon someone by placing a lei upon their head or shoulders. They were also bestowed to illustrate the connection between the mundane and the sacred.
The giving of a lei is a significant gesture, as weaved into it is the mana and trust of the person who made it and the person who offered it. It creates or symbolizes a relationship between giver and receiver.
A lei may be made from many objects. Traditionally flowers, leaves, feathers, nuts or shells and of more modern times ribbon, beads, paper, silk or wool.
Protocol of Presenting a Lei
The whole idea of presenting a lei is to show honour, respect, to show high regard, love.
Traditionally, when presenting a lei Hawaiians embrace each other, touch noses and honi – traditional sacred and honoring aspect of greeting of Native Hawaiian spirituality and culture. Exchanging the HA breath, the pure breath. Greeting and acknowledging the Spirit and the Life. ‘I recognise you as Life Spirit’
As said by Barbara Meheula, revered lei maker on the Big Island ”The kissing is very touristy.” ”The most precious thing to a Hawaiian is breath, the HA. The old-timers will put their cheek next to the person receiving the lei and softly give them the HA, the breath, because everything you have in your heart is in the HA.”
Lei Etiquette
There are suggestions and some unspoken local customs which are aloha and pono to adhere to:
Today, returning natural lei to the ‘aina in some form is practiced.
Lei, made from plant materials are often also kept once they ‘dry out’, in places of honour or decoration in the home or even the car.
How to wear lei:
Lei Making Protocols
Hawaiian culture, through history, was transmitted through an oral tradition. Much of the heritage was preserved in the mo’olelo , the storytelling. The mo’olelo of the lei one makes, is an integral part to the mana of the lei. For example, the choice of materials, colour etc all weave an important part of the lei.
Hi`iakaikapua`ena`ena is the goddess of lei making and is an elder sister of Pele, the volcano goddess. She is one of the deities to whom lei makers and hula practitioners pule/pray and oli/chant to.
Oli and pule are also vital to help centre and remind the lei maker to put aside any pilikia ( drama, stress, tension) or concerns and to focus fully on the task at hand, in the fullness of aloha.
Depending on the tradition and teachings of a Kumu, gathering protocols will vary. However there are some customary protocols.
One of my favourite lei to make is ribbon lei, which I was taught to make by Kumu Hula Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck. For me, ribbon lei have deep significance in regard to the weaving and what the cords represent to Kanaka Maoli. It’s about the aka cord-Aha/Aho that connect us and that connect to all things past, recent and future. ‘Ohana – family. That is blood family and wider ‘family’ of friends, haumana, clients….
Cords have always connected generations, with one’s piko (umbilical cord) physically linking one generation to the next. Today cords are linking more distant generations.
Many years ago Kumu Hula Kanoelani Davis taught me an oli she had written: E Ka Mau Ana. This oli speaks to building upon the cord of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, foundation so the cord that connects all past, present and future is strengthened continually and also continues to grow in to the future.
To keep the cord clear and free of tangles that may block it (us).
It is an oli , along with other oli, that I often quietly chant as I’m making the lei.
The colours are chosen purposefully, often with guidance from Nā Kūpuna. Hence the mo’olelo of the colours is important to share, so that the recipient has an even deeper layer of insight as to the mana of the lei.
I have been presented many lei over the years.
All hang prominently in my hale (house). I know who gifted each of them, the event and their mo’olelo.
So, when someone presents you with a lei, whether elaborate or simple, receive it graciously with the love, the aloha with which it was gifted. Cherish the Aloha Spirit it contains.
E lei kau, e lei ho’oilo I ke aloha ~ Love is worn like a wreath through the summers and the winters ~ Love is Everlasting~
E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau
Protect Mauna Kea 1 year ago this week, the Hawaiian people galvanised strongly to stand to protect Mauna Kea. This is to honour all kia’i who stand for Mauna Kea & for the precious kupuna. Sep8 2019 Aloha Kakou, today Hawaiian word is a phrase: E pule kakou a me ho’omalu ‘o Mauna Kea. Let’s all pray and protect Mauka Kea. Pronouciation: E pule kakou – Ay poolay kahkoh a me – ah may ho’omalu – ho ohmahloo ‘o Mauna Kea – oh maonah Kayah. Mahalo Nui Loa, a hui hou……. |
Aug17 2019
Aloha Kakou, your Hawaiian word for today is: Lokahi meaning Unity, accord, in agreement and is pronounced Lokahi-Lowkahee. E lokahi kakou me Mauna Kea – We are in agreement with Mauna Kea. Aloha, a hui hou…. Aug16 2019 Aloha Kakou, E kala mai – Excuse me, it’s been a busy, busy couple of weeks. I went to Mauna Kea last week Friday and had a very moving and exciting experience. And my sister Mahea and La’akea are staying with me for a couple of weeks. We’re having fun going all over and doing all kind of fun things. But now, I’m back on line. Aug 3 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is a phrase: E Ku Kakou Pu No Mauna Kea – which means Let’s All Stand Together for Mauna Kea – Eo. It is pronounced: E-a (long a as in May) Ku-koo, Kakou-kahko, Pu-poo, No-no, Mauna-Maunah, Kea-kayah, Eo-a (long a as in May)oh. Eo means, in this usage, Yes, I am here, to call, answer. Now is truly the time for all who support the sacredness of Mauna Kea to stand together – Eo, Yes, I am Here. Aloha, a hui hou…. Aug 01 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: HO’OMALU which means To Protect and is pronounced: Ho’omalu-Ho ohmahloo. E ho’omalu kakou ia Mauna Kea. Let’s all protect Mauna Kea. Eo… Aloha, a hui hou…… Jul30 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is IMUA which means FORWARD and is pronounced: Imua-Emooah. Imua na po’e o Hawaii i ka Maunakea. Forward the people of Hawaii to Maunakea. Aloha, a hui hou…. Jul29 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is Ho’omaika’i which means Appreciate/Blessings and is pronounced: Ho’o-ho oh, maika’i-mykah e. E ho’omaika’i kakou i na ho’omalu o Maunakea. Let’s appreciate the protectors of Maunakea. Nui ho’omaika’i ia ‘Oukou apau. Many blessings to all of you. Aloha, a hui hou…… Jul25 2019 Aloha Kakou, whew it’s been such a busy week but I’m back. Today’s Hawaiian word is Malama Pono – Take Care and pronounced Malama-Mahlahmah, Pono-Pono like ono with a P. Download PDF : Neaulani’s No’eau #14- Ku Kia’i Mauna
©️ Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck www.kumuhulamana.com Shared by Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali with Neaulani’s aloha blessing.
1 year ago today, the Hawaiian people galvanised strongly to stand to protect Mauna Kea. On August 2 Melbourne For Mauna
Kea gathering was organised by Tiffany Noelani Le Nevez. Present in the gathering were Pacific Islanders, Indigenous Australians & Non-indigenous Australians.
Events such as this, to be a voice to stand for pono are vital for the continuation of sacred traditions as well as the simple fact of human rights.
Something I didn’t share at the time was that Kaleo & I had both been hit very hard with something that flattened both of us for 2 weeks.
For a couple of people who never get sick, this was a challenging, new experience. Whilst we were on the ‘other side of it’ & way past being ‘infectious’ by the time of the rally, we were both only firing on about 1 cylinder. Neither of us had had the capacity to learn a particular oli for the event. Learning oli is something that is usually easy for both of us, however this time neither of us could retain it.
Regardless, we had made a commitment to attend & support as well as perform some mele with Aloha UkeStars . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaGxgYIf85U&t=3s
The reason I’m sharing this part of the story, is that this rally was that important to us that we showed up. We showed up in the fullness of our alohamana. That was never in doubt. No-one, apart from one of our fellow uke players knew how we were physically feeling.
It wasn’t about us, it was about being a voice for pono, for what’s right, for taking a stand.
I have heard over my many years, many excuses as to ‘why not’, ‘leave it to others’, stories of mea mea mea. So many missed opportunities when the FUDS (fear, uncertainty, doubt, stress …or other acronym words of your choice) takes over, compromising personal values & ethics to accommodate others, of getting outside the comfort & complacency zone. IF NOT NOW, WHEN?? It’s time to move past those FUDS & Many Excuses. it’s time to stand up for your Freedom of Speech & Human Rights, whatever that means for you.
Bishop Desmond Tutu said: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”
We must all speak up with aloha, to the elephant for the mouse & remove it’s foot from it’s tail. Whether the metaphoric elephant is unaware it is standing on the mouses tail, or is doing so intentionally, it is our kuleana, our responsibility to speak up.
So, whenever there is an opportunity for you to be a voice for pono, for sacred rights, YOUR human rights, the human rights of others, animal rights, environmental rights, for anything that is important to you…… show up & stand up & be a voice.
Malama Pono
Ku Kia’i Mauna
Working with all recycled materials, I have a vague foundation of what some of the piece will be about, however allow that to simply evolve naturally……. & it does, with plenty of guidance from above. Well, one person in particular……. Anake’ Mahealani Kuamo’o – Henry. I won’t write an essay here. I’ll simply say the… Read more »
Read MoreTracey Ha’aoLakaināpali
TEL: 0411 239 081
Address: Brisbane, Queensland
Email: tracey@aloharainbows.earth
© Aloha Rainbows