E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau
Prayer, Positive Focus & Gratitude March 12 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Pule which means Pray and is pronounced: Poolay. E Pule Kakou. Let’s pray (for the end of the Corona Virus). Aloha, a hui hou…. March 8· Aloha kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: E hele mai pu which means Come together and is pronounced: A (as in hay) haylay mai poo. E hele mai pu a pule kakou. Let’s come together and pray. Aloha, a hui hou…… March 29· Aloha kakou, today’s Hawaiian phrase is: Olakino maika’i kakou which means: Good health to us all and is pronounced: Ohlahkeyno myka e kahkoh. I’m looking forward to the day when everything goes back to normal and praying that day will be here very soon. Mahalo nui loa for supporting my posts. Aloha au ia ‘oukou. I love you all. Aloha, a hui hou……. April 3 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian phrase is: E Kia Mau which means Stay Focused and is pronounced: Ay Keyah Mow (as in now). Stay focused on all the blessings in your life, gratitude replaces fear and keeps our minds and attitudes clear. Aloha, a hui hou……