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 Ho’aloha ~ Puliki ~ Hug a Friend

Sep7 2019

Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is a handy phrase:
Hāʻawi i kahi Aloha liʻiliʻi i kēlā me kēia lā – Give a little Aloha every day. Pronounced as: Ha’awi – Hah ahvee i – ee kahi – kahee Aloha li’ili’i – lee eelee ee i – ee kela – kaylah me – may keia – kayeeah la – lah. Aloha, a hui hou….

Apr 10 2019

Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word is Hoaloha meaning Friend. Pronounced Ho-ho, a-ah, lo-lo, ha-hah. He hoaloha au ia ‘oe – I am your friend or as the Hawaiian mindset says it: friend I am to you. Aloha, a hui hou…….     IMG_5147

Apr 9 2019

Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word for the day is Puliki which means Hug. Pronounced Pu-poo, li-ley, ki-key. Puliki au ia ‘oe – I hug you or as the Hawaiians say: Hug I you. To make the word plural, put mau in front of puliki as in: Mau puliki au ia ‘oe – Hugs to you. Aloha, a hui hou……..

Jun16 2019
Aloha Kakou, the Hawaiian word for today is a phrase – Pehea ‘oe meaning How are you? and pronounced Pehea – Payhayah, ‘oe-oay. Aloha, a hui hou…

02 Jul 2019

Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word is Maluhiluhi meaning Tired, weary, fatigued and pronounced Ma-mah, luhiluhi-looheloohe. Maluhiluhi au i keia la. I am tired today. Maluhiluhi ‘oe? Are you tired? Aloha, a hui hou…..

Jun17 2019

Aloha Kakou, the Hawaiian word for today is: Maika’i au meaning I’m fine and pronounced Maika’i – Mykah e. So, from yesterday – Pehea ‘oe (How are you?) to answer – Maika’i (I’m fine). Aloha, a hui hou….

Apr7 2019

Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word is Punahele meaning Favorite and is pronounced Pu-poo, na-nah, he-hey, le-ley. Ko’u hoa punahele o ‘oe – You are my favorite friend or the literal translation based on the Hawaiian mindset – My friend favorite you. Aloha, a hui hou……..

Apr 24 2019

Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is Ho’omana’o meanining Remember and pronounced Ho-ho, o-oh, ma-mah, na-nah, o-oh. Ho’omana’o au ia ‘oe. I remember you or, in the Hawaiian mindset – Remember I to you. Aloha, a hui hou…..

03Aug 2020aloha_pink_sparkle_plaque

Aloha Kākou, Today’s Hawaiian phrase is:  Ola Aloha which means Live Love. It’s such an easy message that it’s easy to overlook but when we live Aloha (Love) we live in joy and appreciation for everyone and all that we have.  We are the guardians of our lives and we choose the way we want to live.  Let’s choose Aloha all day every day.  There is no such thing as too much love, there is such a thing as not enough love.  Aloha, a hui hou…

Download pdf :Neaulani’s No’eau #16 – Hoaloha
©️ Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck
Shared by Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali with Neaulani’s aloha blessing.




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