E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau
Protect Aloha Kakou, The Kūpuna nudge for today’s sharing came via Neaulani’s post yesterday. In our Sandy Sunday Session 🎸🎼yesterday, Kaleo & I shared na mele : The Beauty of Mauna Kea & Hawaii Aloha, which inspired Neaulani’s latest ‘ike. https://www.facebook.com/tracey.lakainapali/posts/10163464154430305 We are very blessed to be paddling in the same canoe 😊 The above photo was taken at Mauna Kea during the 2017 Cultural Immersion trip. We were so very blessed to have Lanakila Mangauil as our Kumu & Guide that day. 🗻
Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Ho’omalu which means: Protect and is pronounced: Ho ohmahlew. I just watched the beautiful sharing of music from Namakana and Kaleo, my good friends from Australia and they inspired today’s Hawaiian word. There are many meanings to the word protect and the one I’d like to bring out today is to protect yourself both physically and spiritually. Surround yourself with like minded people, be mindful of others – do no harm and most importantly, protect your mana – your spiritual strength which is the source of your power-your mana iho – your self worth. We have all earned the right to be on this earth so stay strong and guard against energy stealers. Your self esteem and sense of self worth is precious and uniquely yours. It is your Mana. E Ho’omalu Kakou. Aloha, a hui hou…… April 24 Today’s Hawaiian word is: Kahuna Lapa’au which means Healer and is pronounced: Kahoonah Lahpah ow. From chaos comes healing. All of us who are doing everything we can to help overcome this Covid 19 are also giving our Mother Earth time to heal too. Less people on the beaches allows the marine life to return, less trash in the public places allows the land to heal. less cars on the road has lowered the air pollution and so much more. So, let’s keep the healing going. E Kahuna Lapa’au Kakou – Let’s all be Healers. Aloha, a hui hou… April10 · Today’s Hawaiian phrase is: E noho kakou ma ka home which means: Stay home and is pronounced: Ay nohho kahko mah kah hohmay. It makes good sense to stay home, keep our distance and cooperate with the authorities. Working together,we will overcome this pandemic. Mahalo. Aloha, a hui hou………. Nov 14 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Kuahiwi which means mountain – (Mauna is another word for mountain) and is pronounced: Cooahheve. Nani kela kuahiwi. That mountain is beautiful or as a Hawaiian would say it, Beautiful that mountain. Aloha, a hui hou…. November 13 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Honua which means Earth, place and is pronounced: Honuwah. E malama ka honua makuahine kakou. Let’s take care of mother earth. Aloha, a hui hou……… Download pdf : Neaulani’s No’eau #5 – Ho’omalu
©️ Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck www.kumuhulamana.com
Shared by Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali with Neaulani’s aloha blessing.