E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau
Protect Mauna Kea 1 year ago this week, the Hawaiian people galvanised strongly to stand to protect Mauna Kea. This is to honour all kia’i who stand for Mauna Kea & for the precious kupuna. Sep8 2019 Aloha Kakou, today Hawaiian word is a phrase: E pule kakou a me ho’omalu ‘o Mauna Kea. Let’s all pray and protect Mauka Kea. Pronouciation: E pule kakou – Ay poolay kahkoh a me – ah may ho’omalu – ho ohmahloo ‘o Mauna Kea – oh maonah Kayah. Mahalo Nui Loa, a hui hou……. |
Aug17 2019
Aloha Kakou, your Hawaiian word for today is: Lokahi meaning Unity, accord, in agreement and is pronounced Lokahi-Lowkahee. E lokahi kakou me Mauna Kea – We are in agreement with Mauna Kea. Aloha, a hui hou…. Aug16 2019 Aloha Kakou, E kala mai – Excuse me, it’s been a busy, busy couple of weeks. I went to Mauna Kea last week Friday and had a very moving and exciting experience. And my sister Mahea and La’akea are staying with me for a couple of weeks. We’re having fun going all over and doing all kind of fun things. But now, I’m back on line. Aug 3 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is a phrase: E Ku Kakou Pu No Mauna Kea – which means Let’s All Stand Together for Mauna Kea – Eo. It is pronounced: E-a (long a as in May) Ku-koo, Kakou-kahko, Pu-poo, No-no, Mauna-Maunah, Kea-kayah, Eo-a (long a as in May)oh. Eo means, in this usage, Yes, I am here, to call, answer. Now is truly the time for all who support the sacredness of Mauna Kea to stand together – Eo, Yes, I am Here. Aloha, a hui hou…. Aug 01 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: HO’OMALU which means To Protect and is pronounced: Ho’omalu-Ho ohmahloo. E ho’omalu kakou ia Mauna Kea. Let’s all protect Mauna Kea. Eo… Aloha, a hui hou…… Jul30 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is IMUA which means FORWARD and is pronounced: Imua-Emooah. Imua na po’e o Hawaii i ka Maunakea. Forward the people of Hawaii to Maunakea. Aloha, a hui hou…. Jul29 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is Ho’omaika’i which means Appreciate/Blessings and is pronounced: Ho’o-ho oh, maika’i-mykah e. E ho’omaika’i kakou i na ho’omalu o Maunakea. Let’s appreciate the protectors of Maunakea. Nui ho’omaika’i ia ‘Oukou apau. Many blessings to all of you. Aloha, a hui hou…… Jul25 2019 Aloha Kakou, whew it’s been such a busy week but I’m back. Today’s Hawaiian word is Malama Pono – Take Care and pronounced Malama-Mahlahmah, Pono-Pono like ono with a P. Download PDF : Neaulani’s No’eau #14- Ku Kia’i Mauna
©️ Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck www.kumuhulamana.com Shared by Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali with Neaulani’s aloha blessing.