Posted May 29, 2020 by & filed under Uncategorised.


E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau

Choice, Attitude & Positivity

25 May

Aloha Kakou, I actually have 2 Hawaiian words today. One is Kūlana which means: Attitude. It’s pronounced: Koolahnah. The other word is Koho which means: Choice. It’s pronounced: kohhoh. Attitude and Choice go hand in hand. Attitude is the way we look at our life experiences and Choice is the way we handle those experiences. When life throws a curve ball, our attitude about it tells us whether it’s a good or bad thing. Once we determine that, we then have a choice of how to handle it. Do something about it, do nothing about it, ask for help. Having a positive attitude makes our choices easier to make – it keeps us seeing the upside of life. Go negative in attitude usually results in the choice of doing nothing and hope it will go away or even worse, giving up. Keep your attitude positive and you will keep making the best choices for you. Aloha, a hui hou……



Today’s Hawaiian word is: ‘Ōlelo which means: Word and is pronounced: Ohlaylow. This word has many meanings but for today it’s meaning is Word. Words are powerful. Once it’s spoken, you can’t take it back. Be mindful of the words you use. Words are your thoughts put into action. Positive words = positive results, negative words = negative results. The most powerful words are the ones you say to yourself. If you tell yourself you can’t do something – you’re right because that is what you think about yourself. Flip that over, change it just a little bit and see what a difference you’ve made. Instead of can’t say can – like a mantra – until you actually can and then do. It’s like a self-hypnosis. Tell yourself something long enough and you train your mind to believe it. Words can change your thoughts. Do that and you are in control, not the chatter in your mind. You will have made that chatter positive. Aloha, a hui hou….

21 May

Today’s Hawaiian word is: Mino’aka which means: Smile and is pronounced: Menoh ahakah. Did you know that when you’re doing something strenuous like insanity exercises, a smile helps to take some of the stress out of it? Try it for yourself. And, when you’re feeling down, a smile really helps to lift your spirit. Ever notice when you smile at someone, especially a stranger, they reward you with a smile back? Of course, there’s all kinds of smiles and the best kind is the one from your heart. Lift your spirit and the spirits of others and SMILE. E mino’aka kakou. Let’s all smile. Aloha, a hui hou….

13 May

Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: ‘Ike loa which means: Positive and is pronounced: Ekay loah. It’s always a great idea to be positive, but now it’s even more so. Times of struggle and challenges are part of life. How we handle these times determines how our life unfolds. Being positive during these times helps us keep our focus and it helps us get back on track faster. Aloha, a hui hou……

16 Apr

Today’s Hawaiian phrase is: Mai ho’okae ‘ia ma ka maika’i ‘ole – E ho’okae ‘ia ma ka ‘ike loa which means: Don’t focus on the negative, focus on the positive. It’s pronounced: My ho ohky eah mah kah myky e ohlay – Ay ho ohky eah mah kah ekay loah. There’s so much negative energy going on that we don’t need to make a part of our life. Let’s look at all the positive energy in our lives and move forward with all of it. For those of us having to stay home, now we can take care of those “honey do’s”, or learn a new song online, write a book, face time with our loved ones. take that online class we’d been wanting to do but never had time etc….. Hello, now time is all we have for many of us, let’s use it wisely. Aloha, a hui hou…..

15 Apr

Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian phrase is: ‘Ike ka ao which means: See the light and is pronounced: Ekay kah ao. There’s always a light at the end of every dark place. To help keep your focus on the positive ,remember that simple truth. It helps guide us to the blessings that come when we are back in the light. Aloha, a hui hou…….


Download PDF : Neaulani’s No’eau #7 -Choice, Attitude & Positivity                      Hawaii 2010 121

©️ Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck


Shared by Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali with Neaulani’s aloha blessing.



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