Traditional Hawaiian Practice
“As we have walked the earth many lifetimes, in many bloodlines, in many locations, we carry information necessary to reconnect. A bridge is created allowing deeper spiritual connection of the patient to their own kua”
– Aunty Mahilani Poe Poe Kahuna Haa Haa
Kua is the backbone representing your soul lineage in this lifetime & beyond. Each vertebra represents a generation. We stand on the shoulders of our ancestors & call in their support in all endeavors. Awakening this connection allows us to access our healing templates.
Lua is the Hawaiian martial art form. It is 99% spirituality, 1% fight (only if you have to)
About Kua Lua
Traditional Hawaiian style of barefoot back walking massage passed down by Aunty Mahi Poe Poe to align & relax body & mind. This technique incorporates the inner wisdom of ‘feeling’ the body with your feet as you would with your hands. Feeling through the layers of the body, working on specific areas of discomfort or to help someone simply relax & align.
As we walk the back with the feet, our intention in to assist the client with reconnecting with their own family lineage & come into alignment.
“In Lomilomi, all Hawaiian Cultural & healing practices, we speak of being a voice, representative for those who stand behind us.”
In Kua Lua lomilomi we walk that path of the ancestors to assist bringing that alignment within each clients backbone (& entire being) & all which that spiritually & symbolically represents. As spiritual warriors of light we use intention, breath, intuition & balance to assist the client in aligning with their own lineage & spirit path.
Why we use the feet to massage: The feet have a larger surface area than the hands thereby covering a greater area & more tissue. As with the use of the forearms in other lomilomi styles, this allows a greater ability to apply pressure & work deeply without tissue breakdown when holding for extended periods. The foot is used to compress & roll through the layers to enable release & re-alignment, whilst also flushing tissue, detoxifying, increasing circulation & allowing the body to release, relax & harmonise physically & energetically.
Who will benefit from the treatment: Kua Lua has many applications, whether you prefer gentle or firm bodywork. For people who have concerns re touch, such as that experienced in any oil based massage, Kua Lua is ideal. Those techniques are ideal for, & also address chronic lower & upper back discomfort, hip tightness, mild scoliosis, sciatica, tight or painful muscles such as hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, ITB, forearms, upper arms etc. People with laminectomy, lordosis, kyphosis, fusion or rods can also benefit. Athletes, physically fit people, larger clients, those who enjoy receiving deep work, seeking improved posture & movement, easing of physical restrictions/constrictions, pain relief & a general feeling & state of wellbeing will benefit from & enjoy this work.

Deepest Mahalo to Kumu Jeana Iwalani Naluai for her teaching & sharing her ancestral lineage, her wisdom, knowledge. Portions of this above information are shared from Kumu Jeana Naluai.