Stay Tuned for Information on Future Trips!
In the meantime, enjoy these snippets of sharings & photo’s from the 2017 group 🙂
Testimonials & Sharings from 2017 Trip:
Cultural Immersion Photo’s 2017
- Remember if you are planning your own trip to Hawaii or organising a group, Aloha Rainbows offers a Consulting Service:
Cultural Immersion Retreat to Hawaii 2017
The next Cultural Immersion Retreat to Hawaii is preparing to launch!
If you’d like a seat in the pono wa’a (canoe) & paddle to Big Island with myself & Kaleo as navigators & steersmen, then pick up that paddle & jump on in! It’s been a while since our last Immersion Group voyage in 2012, so we have plenty of ponolicious adventures & opportunities planned.
Big Island is calling & welcoming us!
If you are feeling the call or getting the nudge from Nā Kūpuna, you know resistance is futile 😉
For information regarding the next trip in 2017, please contact : or ph: 0411 239 081
Download PDF here:cultural-immersion-retreat-hawaii-2017
“Aloha Tracey,
I’ve been having a hard time getting words down about the trip since I got back, I haven’t got the faintest idea where to start! So, as I have been since getting back, pule (prayer) is as good a place as any.
A big mahalo nui na Aumakua, na Akua, na Kupuna for such a beautiful, nurturing and loving trip with true ohana. Mahalo to Tracey and to all the wonderful people we along the way (too numerous to mention by name so I’ll just say Mahalo Kakou!) who made this is a journey of learning and growth on all levels. Mahalo to our guides and our ancestors for bringing us to the shining shores of Hawaii to realise our dreams and to connect (or reconnect) with the aina (land) and history of the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians). Mahalo nui for all the blessings bestowed upon us and for the direction our canoes are now going in, for the healing received, and the insights and teachings we were shown. Continue to bless all of those involved in this trip, and to guide us on the next steps of our journey, continue to put wonderful people and teachers in our canoe, and bless us with the constant feeling of being in aloha. Amama Amama Amama.
I can’t really begin to list everything I got out of this trip, so I’m going to go with one of the last things I said to Lawrence before we left Molokai. I have been involved in protocol before, I knew (mentally) the need for it but I didn’t really feel it on every level. I have sung the songs, and chanted oli around others, but the true connection to the words and the prayer of what I was saying wasn’t always felt.
“It was through being involved in the many protocols on both islands that we were privileged to share and be shown, that I truly connected.”
There was no longer just a singing of the words “because” it was the right thing to do, it became more than that. There was a true connection to what the Oli meant, and why we were singing it. I think deep down there was finally a true connection (instead of separation) to Spirit and na Aumakua which had only been fleeting with the “old me”.
The old me used to waver back and forth between feeling connected with Spirit, and it’s lonely when you’re feeling disconnected. This trip brought me to a place where nothing is separate, we are all one, and that feeling of ohana with the people, the aina, everything was a cause for great celebration and gratitude. Suddenly, it all made sense why we Oli mahalo all the time! It made sense why we ask permission to enter into sacred spaces and to peoples’ kuleana.
There are many sayings that tell us about how our angels or guides can’t help us unless we ask for it: free will and all that. This makes more sense to me now. How can anyone help us unless we ask for it, unless we are ready for it? How can anyone know we are ready for it unless we ask? This goes around and around in my head and with it is the oli, E ho mai, e ho mai, grant us…… grant us the wisdom, grant us the power, grant us the healing and the learning.
I can’t speak highly enough of the group of people on the trip, true ohana indeed, the love and support that everyone gave, and continues to give, to each other has been a blessing in and of itself. It was through this aloha spirit and loving care of each other that I feel we were able to make the shifts necessary within ourselves to move beyond the “old” and into the new! I can’t imagine having a better group of people to travel with, and it is truly a sense of family, ohana, for each and every one of them that I carry in my heart.
Mahalo nui for the opportunity to share my thoughts, and I hope that those reading it will get an understanding for how important it is to actually go and visit the aina of Hawaii as part of their aloha studies. I know that this realization and rebirth of myself would not have come as quickly (if at all) if I hadn’t taken the plunge and put myself in that canoe with everyone else. For the “old me” it was not an easy decision to make, but the “new me” is eternally grateful to my guides, and to my ohana in Australia for the love and support that I was shown when I did decide to make the journey.”
A hui hou!
(testimonial from 2010 trip)