• If you have a group of people & would like to host a workshop, please contact Tracey

Ho’oponopono Insights Talk Story – Foundation & Fundamentals                              Ho'oponopono aloha

Download pdf : HO’OPONOPONO INSIGHTS Talk Story

Date: TBA

Location: Hale Aloha

Time: 10am – 4pmpono-path-photo-300x169

Investment: Pono Donation

Max of 10 participants


Ho’oponopono Workshop – Making Right More Right

Ho’oponopono means to make right. Essentially, it means to make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom you have relationships. To restore & mend broken relationships. It is an integral & core part of Hawaiian culture, society & healing. For full healing to occur, ho’oponopono is vital.

This class is open to anyone.

Even if you have experienced the class before, it may be time to gain a deeper understanding & experience some new layers of release & healing.

What is ho’oponopono?

What is ho’opono pono ke ala – making right more right the path

Why is it useful – why is it necessary?

Tools for Self-empowerment & making right more right your path.

Oli (chants), practical methods of doing ho’oponopono with self & others.

Personally experiencing some simple healing, release & ho’oponopono processes.

Venue: TBA

Dates: TBA ( if you wish to host a day for a particular group, please contact)

Investment: $185 or earlybird $150 if paid 1 month in advance

Bring: pillow, pen & paper, lunch, towel (we go to the moana for the final pule so you may wish to bring bathers if you would like to do a full cleanse by immersing in the kai)

Private Sessions also available.

For further information contact Tracey on 0411239081 or info@aloharainbows.earth

Aloha Tracey,

Well it’s been about seven months now since I joined in at one of you Ho’oponopono workshops and a lot has happened since then. I’m currently living in a Zen Temple in Japan living my dream as a buddhist monk. But I have to say that one of the spiritual practices that I find I’m using the most to deepen my mediation practice is Ho’oponopono.

Before Ho’oponopono I was often plagued by sadness, doubts and regrets in my meditations and I would agonise on the the thoughts that would come up for hours. These negative feeling would follow me through the day colouring my relationship with the world around me. I remember in the workshop we were given a small piece of paper to write down the events or people we most wish to forgive and release in our lives. I filled in every spare millimetre of that piece of paper before it went into the calabash and we worked to release them.

Since then I have been at peace with each person and event I wrote about. It’s almost too good to be true that so much of my excess baggage and grief is now transmuted with love and forgiveness into such and abiding peace. As I sit in long meditation sessions here in the temple I am so tranquil and at ease. Sometimes I look around at the other monks and see the agony on their face and wish that they to would learn Ho’oponopono. Whenever an event arises in my meditation that was not previously released, I just do a bit of Ho’oponopono on it and return to my now natural state of peace and tranquility. Such a joy. And I owe it all to your teachings.

Mahalo nui Tracey for all the wonderful work you do.

Aloha, Haydn

(aka Zen Buddhist Monk Hojun Futen)

December 2010