Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali
I was blessed to be born into a ‘natural health’ family, which provided, from a very young age, a strong spiritual foundation and continual seeking of further spiritual and wellbeing knowledge
My life after High School, involved 2 years studying secondary teaching followed by 13 years in the Airline Industry. Studying and gaining qualifications across a broad spectrum of areas in health and wellbeing, provided a comprehensive and wholistic approach to total wellbeing – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. My journey of learning led me 35 years ago to Hawaiian healing, culture and spirituality
This was the ‘aha’ moment. This made sense and brought it all together. Hence the ongoing huaka’i (journey) with Hawaii and the Aloha Spirit. I have studied and trained in the Hawaiian Islands of Kauai, Moku O Keawe, Maui and Molokai.
Initially studying healing, Kino Mana, Advanced Lomilomi and Kahi Loa massage with Serge Kahili King and Susan Pa’iniu Floyd of Aloha International, I became an Alaka’i and authorised teacher with Aloha International . I have spent the last 30+ years continually furthering my study and training in Hawaiian healing practices, lomilomi, hula, oli, philosophy and culture with numerous Kumu : Kumu ‘Elele o Na Kupuna (teacher-messenger for the spiritual voices of the ancestors) Anake’ Mahealani Kuamo’o-Henry, Kumu Hula Neaulani Kuamo’o- Peck, Aunty Mary Fragas, Loea Frank Kawaikapuokalani Hewett, Kaipo Kaneakua, Papa K Kepilino, Kumu Alva Andrews, Kumu Kelii Tau’a, Kumu John Keola Lake, Kumu Hula Raylene Lancaster, Nancy Kahalewai, Kanoelani Davis, Lawrence Aki, Jeana Iwalani Naluai and many other kumu and kupuna who have touched my life in many ways.
My passion for Hawaiian healing practices, culture, philosophy, along with my honouring of the wisdom, sacredness and integrity of the ancient teachings, drives me to spread the Aloha Spirit wherever Na Kūpuna send me. Although no longer ‘formally’ teaching or seeing clients for lomilomi and ho’oponopono, the sharing continues through daily practices, supporting and fundraising for assorted Hawaiian projects, outrigger canoe paddling, sharing/consulting with spiritual and other organisations, talking story, ukulele…..

“Lawe I ka ma’alea a ku’ono’ono
Acquire skill and make it deep.”
“Ma ka hana ka ‘ike
There is knowledge to be gained through hard work.”
I understand it is the kuleana (responsibility) of those outside of Hawaii, who utilize and benefit financially from these sacred teachings and practices, to give back to those Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) who are striving to perpetuate their cultural practices. As such I undertake fundraising and donate regularly to Native Hawaiian projects.
I am a passionate animal advocate, author and write articles for alternative health magazines on Lomilomi, Hawaiian Culture, Healing & Spirituality I am a contributing author to the books ‘Practice Aloha: Secrets to Living Hawaiian Style’ and ‘Heart to Heart: The Path To Wellness’ and have self-published ‘Aloha Rainbows : A Journey of Pono, Protocol and Precious Kūpuna.’
“I believe every individual deserves to have harmony, optimum health and wellbeing in their lives so as to function at their peak levels. It is my goal to assist in freeing people of their limitations and assisting them to step into their mana ‘iho (self-empowerment) and ‘uhane nui (spirit greatness). Creating harmony on an aloha-filled planet – that’s a world I energise.”
Training (a brief glimpse of a lengthy comprehensive resume)
- Kino Mana : Lomilomi & Kahi Loa
- Ho’oponopono & Ho’opono Pono Ke Ala
- Kua Lua Hawaiian Backwalking
- Registered Teacher of Aloha International
- CH(Hons)MEL ( Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis with Honours)
- CE (Diploma of Clinical Ecology)
- Post Grad Dip. Psychotherapy
- Cert of Massage
- Cert Timelime & NLP Practitioner
- Cert of Health – Hypnosis *FAAHS ( Fellow of the Australian Academy of Hypnotic Science)
Supporting Charities / Non Profit Organisations
A portion of all massages, trainings and other income is donated to the following organisations
- Edgars Mission –
- IFAW –
- Animals Australia –
- Supporting many Hawaiian Cultural Projects, including :
- Pōhāhā I Ka Lani –
- Keiki (children’s) Education Projects Hawaii ( in 2010 implemented a children’s sponsorship/scholarship program on Molokai with Kanoelani Davis)
- Numerous Kickstarter Projects
“Tracey has also been a supporter of my hula school, Ka Pa Hula ‘O Hina I Ka Po La’ila’i from the beginning and has valued my teachings with the local community. Her group in Australia has given donations to my hula school for years with the expectation that it goes to the students, particularly the children. With her help the children in the hula school have been able to take opportunities that they would never have been able to, from traveling to outer islands to making implements for hula. We are forever grateful to her generosity and unconditional aloha she and her group exude. “ Kanoelani Davis
🌈 Murphy The Wonderdog (aka Mana Murphy & Kama Anela)
Born 1996, adopted 14 Feb 1999, Walked the Rainbow 04 May 2012
Many knew Murphy through him being such an important part of my life, through coming to workshops, helping in Lomi’s and so much more. He was a mistreated, malnourished little street kid who came in to my life 14 Feb 1999 at the age of 3. He however had a resilience and pu’uwai ( heart) that was strong in all ways. His aloha touched many and he certainly helped me through the numerous challenges I have encountered on my journey. His makamae (precious) Being personified Aloha and he was my greatest teacher of Aloha.
So, whilst his kino ( physical being) is moe lepo ( sleeping in the earth) now, his ‘uhane nui ( spirit greatness) remains ever present
To my little pal – Aloha ‘oe and a hui hou.x