Having taught Lomilomi in Australia for 30 years, that part of my journey is pau. No future trainings are scheduled.
If you have an interest in authentic learning, I am happy to direct you to Kumu (teachers) in Hawaii. Please contact me for further guidance.
My life remains that of paddling in aloha, pono and Hawaiian cultural, spiritual & healing practices, & sharing these….. just in other forms and expressions 🐢🐳🐬☀️ Halau Malama Na Pua e Lima Kaiwi Mau Loa continues strongly. Malama Pono 🌈
“The Loving Touch ~ A Connection of Heart, Hand & Soul with the source of all life.” ~ Aunty Margaret Machado
‘The heart of lomilomi is love and respect for others. Lomilomi gives love and is therefore one of the true acts of human kindness and one of the greatest of healing arts’ ~ Na Mo’olelo Lomilomi
Course Content
You will be introduced to-
- Hawaiian Healing Practices & Philosophy
- The Aloha Spirit
- Principles of Hawaiian Healing for self-empowerment & how they relate to Bodywork
- Ho’oponopono– Making right more right & & Ho’oponopono Ke Ala – Making right more right the path
- Aspects of Hawaiian Culture & Language
You will learn –
- Lomilomi Massage
- Hawaiian Breathing & Energy Work
- Movement Techniques & Hula
- Importance of Intent, Focus, Breath & Movement within the Massage
- Responsibilities, Protocols & Ethics of being a Bodyworker & representative of Hawaiian Healing practices
- Working with the Elements & Nature
- Oli (chants)
You will experience –
- Movement to Increase Awareness of the Physical Body
- Meditation
- Personal insights & self empowerment
- Giving and Receiving Lomilomi
- Protocol
- … and so much more
The number of participants is limited to ensure personal attention and maximum experience. Course notes are provided and a certificate will be given at the completion of the course.
No prior qualifications or massage experience are required to enrol in the training but open-heartedness and an open mind are both pre-requisites and by-products. Some who train go on to work as Lomilomi practitioners, while others simply benefit from adding the profound philosophy to their toolkit for living. This intensive training program will be a unique opportunity to learn a truly special form of healing and to connect to a deeper sense of purpose in your life.
Program Details
This 8 day Retreat is an ‘Intensive’ training (90+ hours)
Dates: Saturday to Saturday
Investment: $2,500
A deposit of $500 is required to secure your place
Early bird options $2,000 for full payment by 2 months prior
$2,200 for full payment by 1 month prior
The cost includes training, accommodation and all healthy meals
To host a training near you and for enquiries please contact Tracey on 0411239081 or info@aloharainbows.earth
Advanced Lomilomi Retreat
3 days
Investment : $808 – includes training, accommodation, healthy onolicious plant based meals.
For anyone who has trained in lomilomi with me.
Beginning Friday at 12 noon & finishing on Sunday at 5pm. $500 deposit is required with a maximum of 12 participants . You will experience many extra strokes and techniques, extra stretches, new oli, protocols, working more deeply with the HA breath in healing and much more.