E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau
Mea Thing ~ Object ~ Stuff |

May 05 2019
Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Mea meaning Thing and pronounced Me-may, a-ah. A’ole mea nui – No big thing. Aloha, a hui hou…
May 30 2019 Aloha Kakou, Today’s Hawaiian word is: Puke meaning Book and pronounced Puke-pookay. Makemake ‘oe na puke? Do you like books? or in the Hawaiian mindset, Like you books? Aloha, a hui hou…..
May 07 2019 Aloha kakou, the Hawaiian word for today is: Ulana meaning Pillow and pronounced U-ooh, la-lah, na-nah. He ‘aha kela? What is that? He ulana kela. It is a pillow. Aloha, a hui hou….
May 04 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Ki’i ‘oni’oni meaning movie or moving picture. Pronounced Ki-key, i-e, ‘oni-ohknee, ‘oni–ohknee. Makemake’oe i ke ki’i ‘oni’oni i keia ahiahi me ia’u? Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight? Aloha, a hui hou….
May 03 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Kama’a meaning shoe, sandal, slipper and pronounced Ka-kah, ma-mah, a-ah. Nani kou mau kama’a. Your shoes are pretty or as the Hawaiians say: Pretty your shoes. Aia ihea ko’u mau kama’a? Where are my slippers? Aloha, a hui hou….
Apr 26 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Kukui pa’a lima which means Flashlight. Ku-coo, kui-cooee, pa-pah, a-ah, li-lee, ma-mah. Aia ihea ka’u kukui pa’a lima? Where is my flashlight? Aia ihea means where and ka’u means my. Aloha, a hui hou…
Sep15 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian words are He kalaka hou which means It is a new truck and is pronounced: He – hay, kalaka – kahlahkah, hou – ho (as in wagons ho). Sis got a new kalaka -truck and my friends and I were lucky enough to be there on the Big Island at the right time to help her break it in. We went all over the island and had a funtastic time. Mahalo nui loa Sis for sharing your awesome kalaka with us.
Oct13 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Lolouila. It means computer and is pronounced: Lolouila – lowlowoohwelah. He lolouila maika’i keia. This is a computer. Aloha, a hui hou…..
Oct 24 2019 Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: ki’aha which means glass (the kind you drink from) and is pronounced: key ahha. E ‘olu’olu ‘oe may I have a ki’aha of wai? Please, may I have a glass of water? Mahalo. Aloha, a hui hou…..
Download PDF : Neaulani’s No’eau #15 – Mea
©️ Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck www.kumuhulamana.com Shared by Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali with Neaulani’s aloha blessing.