E Komo Mai & Welcome to Neaulani’s No’eau
Appreciate ~ Adore ~ Acknowledge |
07Jul : Aloha Kākou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Ho’omaika’i which means: Appreciate and is pronounced: ho ohmykah e. With
everything going on right now, especially the Covid, I so appreciate my good health, the health of my family and friends and the blessings given to us every day. Appreciation is often overlooked and yet it is so important for our living a life that is filled with blessings, good times with our family and friends and a positive attitude that continues to bring the great experiences that we all so desire. If life isn’t bringing you the love, joy and happiness that you deserve, ask yourself “Am I appreciating all the good things that life brings me every day? Do I recognize when these good things happen to me? Where am I putting my attention?” Everything flows, good and bad, to where the attention goes. What are you giving your attention to? Ho’omaika’i au iā ‘oe. – I appreciate you. Aloha, a hui hou…….
06Jul: Aloha Kākou, Today’s Hawaiian word is: Ho’onani which means: Adore and is pronounced: Ho ohnahknee. I adore beautiful music, beautiful sunsets and sunrises, uplifting experiences that makes my soul soar, enjoying my life, seeing a baby smile and their cute giggles when they’re happy. All these things and so many more are worth gathering and keeping in my memories. How about you? Aloha, a hui hou…..
March 31: Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is: E ‘ike i ka nani i ke ola which means: See the beauty in life and is pronounced: Ay ekay e kah nahnee e kay ohlah. With so much fear about the Covid19, let’s stay positive, set the fear aside and hold good thoughts in our minds and hearts. As long as we are doing all we can to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our Mother Earth, fear has no place in our lives. E Ola E Live…..
14Jun: Aloha kākou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Kupaianaha which means Marvelous and is pronounced: Koopieahnahha. Kupaianaha ke ola – Marvelous the life or Life is marvelous. The Hawaiian way of saying things is to put the action first and then the description after – much like the way Yoda from Star Wars talks. Hau’oli au – Happy I am, Ho’omaika’i ‘oe – Grateful you are. Mana’o nui like – Great minds think alike. Aloha, a hui hou…..
13Jun: Aloha, today’s Hawaiian word is: Nanea which means: Enjoyable and is pronounced: Nahnayah. Being with people you love is so nanea. Listening to beautiful music is so nanea. Celebrating special days, like birthdays is so nanea,. Playing music is so nanea. Aloha au i ke ‘ike nanea. I love enjoyable experiences. Aloha, a hui hou…..
11Jun: Aloha Kākou, today’s Hawaiian word is: Kāko’o which means Support and is pronounced: Kahkoh oh. I support living healthy, positive thinking and attitudes, my family and friends, helping others, striving to live in my greatness and helping others live in their greatness, unconditional love and all the good things in life. E Kāko’o Kākou i na mea nui. Le’s all support all the good things. Aloha, a hui hou…..
07 Jun: Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian word is 2 words that go together: Hā’awi, Loa’a mai. Give, Receive. They’re pronounced: Ha ahve and Loah ahmy. What you give, you will receive. The universe makes no distinction – give love and receive love, give hate and receive hate – give good and receive good, you get it. E hā’awi aloha a me loa’a mai.aloha. Let’s give love and receive love. E
Hā’awi kokua a me loa’a mai kokua. Let’s give help and receive help. What “more of” do you desire in your life? Give it freely and receive it gratefully. The possibilities are infinite. Aloha, a hui hou….
06 June: Today’s Hawaiian word is: Manawa which means: Time and is pronounced: Mahnahvah. How do you spend your time? Since we have such an abundance of time during our current lock down, I’m spending it enjoying my dear hubby and doing my best not to let him get on my nerves AND not to get on his nerves. Most of the time we actually succeed, yay. It’s also been great catching up on my reading, organizing my files, teaching the Hawaiian language to my grand kids (they’re on the mainland so we’re Zoomers), actually exercising every day (both of us). In fact, this lockdown has made us appreciate the occassional visits to the grocery store. That used to be a chore but now we actually look forward to it. It gets us out of the house. We’ve taken the lock down challenge and made good use of it. Aloha, a hui hou……..
04Apr : Aloha Kakou, today’s Hawaiian phrase is: Mai ho’okaumaha, hau’oli which means: Don’t worry, be happy and is
pronounced: My ho ohcowmaha, howohle. Worry is pilikia (trouble, problem etc) and hau’oli is happy, joy etc. These 2 emotions cannot occupy the same place at the same time, so I choose hau’oli. More importantly, worry causes lines and wrinkles, who wants more of those yeah? Aloha, a hui hou……..
03 June: Today’s Hawaiian word is: Makemake pronounced: Mahkaymahkay. There are many meanings to this word and today it’s Wish. Makemake au iā ‘okou maika’i. I wish you all well. Aloha, a hui hou……
March 31 : as we are doing all we can to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our Mother Earth, fear has no place in our lives. E Ola E Live…..
Download pdf: Neaulani’s No’eau #13- Ho’omaika’i
©️ Neaulani Kuamo’o-Peck www.kumuhulamana.com
Shared by Tracey Namakanaokalani Ha’aoLakaināpali with Neaulani’s aloha blessing. |